Join in creating our region’s first universally accessible playground, right here in Burlington, Vermont.

Our first playground
for everyone.


Please join us in creating our region’s first universally accessible playground, right here in Burlington, Vermont.


Oakledge for All is a volunteer initiative to build Vermont’s first universally accessible playground because we believe everyone deserves to play.

Our mission is to foster inclusion and strengthen community by improving the accessibility of our community’s playgrounds and parks so that they are welcoming and fun for anyone who wants to enjoy them.

Rendering of the completed playground at Oakledge Park

Rendering of the completed playground at Oakledge Park


The time is now.

Vermont is home to tremendous recreational resources, yet children and adults with mobility, visual, sensory, and other challenges often cannot use existing play spaces safely, if at all – even in Burlington.

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An accessible playground at Oakledge Park – a community asset on Burlington’s beautiful waterfront – will open the door for engagement, learning, connectedness, and pure enjoyment for everyone.


Inclusive spaces strengthen communities by nurturing understanding, openness, and friendship. It’s our sincere hope that Oakledge for All will serve residents and visitors alike, and also inspire other communities wishing to make their own parks and playgrounds more accessible.

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From the Community

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Thank you!


Construction of the playground at Oakledge Park was completed in October 2023, and we are ready to celebrate! Please join us on Saturday, November 4th, from 2pm to 4pm (with a sensory-friendly hour from 1pm to 2pm) to come explore, play, and celebrate this exciting new asset in our community. Thank you to our many supporters for your encouragement, advocacy, and contributions of time and resources. The playground at Oakledge is a testament of our community's commitment to disability inclusion, and we hope it is one of many more to come.

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Aerial view of the universally accessible playground at Oakledge Park

Aerial view of the universally accessible playground at Oakledge Park




We met our goal!

Your secure, tax-deductible donations helped make this project possible.

This park promises a place where all people can play together, be together. Universal or inclusive design brings us all together. And isn’t this what design should be about: making community possible?
— Deborah Lisi-Baker, Former Director, Vermont Center for Independent Living

The Parks Foundation of Burlington, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is serving as Oakledge for All’s fiscal sponsor. All donations to support the playground are tax-deductible. Gifts may also be made by check:

Oakledge for All
c/o Parks Foundation of Burlington
645 Pine Street, Burlington, 05401

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